This is an old as the hills application that I decided to try to test and review despite the fact that I have no experience or knowledge regarding the field of electrochemistry.
Anyway, this tool, now called “Electrochemist” and formerly known as Polar and Polarograph, seems to be quite powerful and feature rich, as it’s capable of simulating electrochemical experiments while providing access to a lot of additional data and to numerous secondary functions. For example, it can analytically and digitally simulate voltammograms and polarograms on virtually any mechanism at over 10 electrode geometries (planar, spherical, semi-spherical, cylindrical, semi-cylindrical, microdisc, thin film, and rotating electrodes) in over 10 techniques (linear sweep and CV, DC, normal pulse, differential pulse, square wave, additive square wave, and staircase voltammetries). If this didn’t seem comprehensive enough for you already, let me add that this tool can also simulate the effects to change over 30 parameters and it includes over 1000 theoretical equations. Extensive data analysis possibilities are available as well, including peak data detection.
Considering how comprehensive it is, there’s no wonder “Electrochemist” is also quite difficult to use. Even if you’re an expert in electrochemistry, you’ll still probably have to check the manual of this tool in order to be able to use it properly.
Cutting long story short, “Electrochemist” can prove to be of undeniable help to those in need of performing electrochemical simulations and data analysis, and that’s despite the fact that it also comes with hard-to-ignore flaws.
- Very comprehensive and feature-rich
- It can calculate over 1000 types of theoretical peak values
- It can simulate over 30 effect factors
- Outdated installer and interface
- Pricey
- Not exactly easy to use